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At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Nav Uppal, Chief Digital Officer at Pulsant.

Please introduce yourself..

Nav Uppal, Chief Digital Officer at Pulsant. Nav is a proud Northerner, born in Huddersfield, 他在该地区及周边地区生活和工作了30多年.  他热衷于为客户和同事简化和改进业务流程的数字化转型, and has worked on major transformation projects for companies, including The Co-op, International Personal Finance and Morrisons.  多年来,他亲眼目睹了朝鲜如何成长为一个科技强国,最近又看到了脉动如何成为这一增长势头的一部分.

What does Pulsant do? 

Pulsant is the UK's edge infrastructure provider, delivering colocation, connectivity and compute services for regional enterprises. Founded in 1995, 它拥有近30年与地区企业合作实现其数字化雄心的经验.

Across the UK. 区域企业和服务提供商使用脉动的平台medge基础设施来构建, connect and deploy the applications they need to innovate and grow. Previously, technology success required a focus on London, 但随着时间的推移,大量的投资和创新已经见证了重点的转变,我相信我们现在看到像十大网博靠谱平台这样的城市走在了前面,获得了继续这种增长轨迹所需的投资. 

作为一家企业,我们是独一无二的,因为我们在英国拥有12个战略性边缘数据中心的网络, 通过低延迟网络结构相互连接,允许客户端访问云, connectivity and compute services across the UK and beyond. 我们的平台使95%的英国人口能够接触到寻求利用新技术增长潜力的企业, including AI and IoT.

What do you enjoy most about working at Pulsant?  

Our people, I think we've got a great set of people who want the best for our clients, and also the best for Pulsant. Everyone's willing to go above and beyond to ensure that clients succeed. I believe that, and our product offering, 就是让我们的基础设施支持整个英国的区域业务, 使我们成为合适的合作伙伴,支持那些现在需要更灵活的技术投资的企业.

Equally, having sales and support teams located in each region is a good ethos, 因为我们真正理解什么是重要的,可以更容易地成为客户旅程的一部分.

Looking back, 新冠肺炎非常重视数字基础设施和改善任何地点数据访问的需求.  We were on the front foot during that transition, as our business was already focused on providing that local digital infrastructure access those businesses were demanding; regional access is something we continue to prioritise as our recent investments in Rotherham and Manchester have shown. 


我们将继续专注于对边缘基础设施平台的投资,以支持希望在边缘部署新应用程序和服务的企业, or securely extend hybrid infrastructure to improve performance.

Added to that, 过去12个月,我们在区域数据中心的投资确保了我们能够很好地提供托管服务, compute, 以及客户成功发展业务所需的连接服务. With the dawn of AI and other new technologies, 对于希望从这些新的高增长市场机会中获益的企业来说,更快地访问数据和更灵活的技术平台已成为核心.

继续扩大我们的平台medge网络将确保我们能够继续支持不断增长的业务需求,更加灵活, secure, 十大网博靠谱平台和英国其他城市的可持续数字基础设施解决方案.

What technology trends and innovations are you excited about in 2024?

It has to be the future potential of AI.  What it currently offers is useful, but it has yet to become a business game changer, despite all the media hype. 如今,企业正在研究人工智能的正确用例是什么,以提供真正的增值,并努力了解支持实现人工智能所需的增加的计算和连接所需的基础设施. I believe the move towards locating infrastructure closer to users, or at the edge as its sometimes called, can deliver the platform these new AI implementations need.

For Pulsant as a business, 这是一个激动人心的时刻,因为客户正在创建这些新的解决方案,并探索他们在哪里以及如何存储和管理他们的数据,以满足这些人工智能数据需求.  We are already talking to customers in areas, including gaming and healthcare, where that focus on place and data residency is crucial.

What excites you most about joining the Manchester digital community? 

The collaboration. 每个企业都应该把像十大网博靠谱平台数字这样的社区看作是参与当地辩论的真正机会. 对我来说,与志趣相投、希望在当地社区有所作为的企业合作很重要. 这是十大网博靠谱平台相互倾听和学习,以更多地了解数字基础设施在支持当地商业社区蓬勃发展方面所能真正发挥的作用, not just survive. 我们正在进入一个时代,在这个时代,协作心态被视为对地区业务增长的真正增值. 我认为十大网博靠谱平台数字是一个绝佳的机会,可以参与到十大网博靠谱平台及其周边地区的生态系统建设中来.  

Thank you Nav!

Learn more about Pulsant here.

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