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The Ecommerce Landscape in 2024: Trends and Technologies Shaping the Future


To shed light on some of these latest developments, 我们从社区中挑选了一些电子商务专家,请他们对2024年对电子商务行业产生积极影响的技术和趋势提供见解.


人工智能驱动的客户服务——不可能忽视人工智能对未来客户服务的影响. During 2023 the shift from Large Language Models (Chat-GPT, etc..)成为主流科技领域的研究热点让许多人感到意外,法学硕士研究的支出没有显示出放缓的迹象. 然而, it’s not without risk, DPD和加拿大航空(Air Canada)等知名品牌最近遭遇的挫折,突显出事情出错的速度有多快. Whilst AI offers great potential its not ready to stand alone just yet (and may never be), instead brands should focus on using AI to enhance their most valuable resource, their people …

B2B电子商务——随着消费者期望的持续增长和通货膨胀推高产品成本,零售商将继续发现自己受到四面八方的挤压. 在这样的环境下,人们的注意力将越来越多地转向采购和供应链的效率. 零售商将寻求B2B电子商务来优化他们的采购成本,使用工作流和自动化技术来减少管理供应商合同所涉及的人力, managing inventory, and replenishing stock. 

消费者本身——我们生活在一个越来越接受“数字”作为互动媒介的世界. 可穿戴技术正开始真正站稳脚跟(预计到2030年将以每年近15%的速度增长)。, Netflix和Spotify等基于订阅的服务正在成为常态,商业也在继续向在线转移(2023年,英国近30%的零售支出是在线的)。. 在这种环境下,消费者根本不会容忍不能提供他们习惯的真正全渠道“数字”体验的品牌. 随着“什么都不懂”的年轻一代迅速成长,品牌必须不断发展以保持竞争力.

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Bring Digital

AI-assisted personalisation is going to change the game in E-commerce. Users are increasingly expecting tailored experiences; mass marketing is giving way to the rise of micro experiences. In that world, 对于拥有小型营销团队的小型颠覆者和寻求保持领先地位的行业巨头来说,拥抱人工智能变得至关重要.

Google's evolving product mix is another opportunity we're excited about in 2024. Over the last year, 我们的PPC团队已经通过测试新的广告活动类型来改进我们自己的“最佳实践”方法,以适应日益自动化的投标环境. 我们已经学会了如何平衡控制与可扩展性,从而在新的一年里重新关注将账户结构与第一方用户数据相结合. 我们还致力于改进服务器集成解决方案,以增强业务数据来支持我们的2024.

社交购买的日益流行意味着这些定制的体验开始于线下. 从跟踪的角度来看,如果没有人工智能的帮助,就很难大规模地衡量ROI. 我们正在帮助引领这些整合,将品牌带入一个比以往任何时候都更不受渠道影响的未来.

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Space 48

AI stands out prominently, 用于各种目的,从协助制作产品描述到通过自动生成同义词列表来增强客户搜索体验. 从人们使用它来编写产品描述到使用它来帮助客户通过搜索和自动创建同义词列表来找到合适的产品(例如.g when someone searches for pants, it knows they mean trousers). You could do an entire post just around AI.

Furthermore, 新兴科技企业的出现通过其敏捷方法引入了市场动态的动态变化, poised to disrupt conventional approaches to technological solutions for merchants. These small entities epitomise innovation and adaptability, reshaping industry landscapes with their innovative offerings.

Tech giants like Shopify are making it easier and easier for brands to expand internationally, disrupting the markets not just in the UK but across the world. 这种可访问性不仅为英国品牌创造了机会,也为外国实体进入英国市场开辟了道路, fostering a more interconnected global commerce ecosystem.

Additionally, the marketplace landscape experiences a proliferation of platforms such as Temu, AliExpress, and Shein, saturating the market with competitive pricing and expedited delivery options. This influx of choices empowers consumers with an array of options, reshaping consumer behaviour and challenging traditional retail paradigms.

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Phoenix Digital

UX has never been more important for E-commerce retailers. With less bricks and mortar stores allowing people to physically browse, consumers want and need to be able to quickly assess product range, quality and price before they hit the back button.

Customer returns are costing retailers a fortune. Whilst returns are an inevitable part of any retail business, 清楚地说明你的退货政策是很重要的,这样可以避免给顾客带来不愉快的惊喜.  In an attempt to avoid returns, make sure product imagery is 100% accurate. Display size guides, a video of the product in use, how to set it up/use it, what it’s for and what it’s compatible with etc etc.

Speed of delivery is becoming increasingly important. People want the Amazon experience and receive delivery the same day or next day. Companies have to meet these expectations or risk losing business to their competitors. Faster delivery requires more efficient processes and improved logistics. Companies must invest in technology and automation to be able to deliver faster.

当然,每个人都在谈论人工智能,它将对社会产生巨大的影响 E-commerce sector as well. Virtual fitting rooms, 个性化购物体验——网上购物最终将成为一种身临其境的即时体验.

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Thank you to our members for sharing their insights.

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